G'day mates!
It's really hard to keep this blog up to date when there's so much to see and do and you're living on a camping site ;)
So humble apologies and here's just a quick update before i head on to Brisbane Airport to catch my flight to Melbourne.
It has been an awesome week with lots of walking around the whole bay area with the breathtaking view from the lighthouse being the absolute higlight.This place is so relaxed, surfing being the only thing here that matters, except of having fun of course.
The tropical touch adds to the feeling that you have found your destination and arrived at paradise. I have seen endless beaches, dolphins fishing in the constant stream of waves towards the cliffs, the easternmost point of Australia and the sunrise glistening over the vast horizon as well as lush green forests filled with exotic scents and bird chatter in the twilight of the warm evenings accompanied by an occasional cool breeze from the pacific ocean.
Next stop: The Great Ocean Road. That would be me driving through Victoria catching a glimpse on The remainder of the once 12 Apostles as well as a little bit of Outback in the Grampians National Park to go on a photohike.
So there might be again a couple of days silence from my side.
Bear with me, soon you will be rewarded with amazing photos - crickey!
Alrighty mates,
no worries and be save!
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